Home R2C2-Coder


  • 📙Paper: R2C2-Coder Enhancing and Benchmarking Real-world Repository-level Code Completion Abilities of Code Large Language Models
  • 📚Publisher: arxiv
  • 🏠Author Affiliation: Alibaba Group
  • Contributions:
    • We investigate the limitations of existing repository-level code completion (e.g., lack of sufficient context and benchmark with limited scenarios) and propose the R2C2-Coder including R2C2-Enhance and R2C2-Bench to enhance and benchmark real-world repositorylevel code completion abilities of Code LLMs.
    • For R2C2-Enhance, we propose to construct the candidate retrieval pool with abstract and snippet contexts and generate the completion prompt using context retrieval and prompt assemble. Based on R2C2-Enhance, we build a new repository-level code completionbenchmark called R2C2-Bench with training, validation, and testing splits, where a context perturbation strategy is used to simulate the real-world completion scenes better.
    • Comprehensive experimental results on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our R2C2-Coder.
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