Home ReflectionCoder


  • 📙Paper: ReflectionCoder Learning from Reflection Sequence for Enhanced One-off Code Generation
  • 📚Publisher: arxiv
  • 🏠Author Affiliation: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, SenseTime Research, Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, CUHK MMLab, CPII under InnoHK
  • GitHub: https://github.com/SenseLLM/ReflectionCoder
  • Contributions:
    • We constructed a reflection sequence dataset, a two-round dialogue dataset composed of reflection sequence and code generation. The dataset can effectively guide code LLMs fine-tuning to obtain better one-off generation performance.
    • We proposed to leverage reflection sequences to guide the fine-tuning of code LLMs. On top of the idea, we propose two techniques to effectively utilize the reflection sequence data, namely reflection self-distillation and dynamically masked distillation.
    • Extensive experiments on HumanEval (+), MBPP (+), and MultiPl-E demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on one-off code generation. ReflectionCoder-DeepSeek-Coder-33B reaches 82.9 (76.8) on HumanEval (+) and 84.1 (72.0) on MBPP (+), which is an on-par performance of GPT-3.5-Turbo and Claude-3-opus and surpasses early GPT-4.
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